15 July 2008

Some Tips To Improve Mood...! Part II

To continue from previous listing...

4) Travel overseas for short/ long trips for fun … this could certainly helps one to improve mood and might even broaden your perspective in life at times!

5) Talk your problems out to a confidant you could trust and relate ~ because you never know when a solution might appear from the confiding talk! You could also try to talk to people from opposite sexes since different genders might have different perspectives in the issues. Well there’s always saying that Men are from Mars and Women from Venus =)

6) Calm down and Rationalise ~
a. Is the issue so important that it should really make you so upset?
b. Does being upset resolve the problem?
c. Should we concentrate on thinking on the solution instead?

If not, then let's SMILE! You look more handsome / pretty this way!

Hmm... as I write about travel, I'm thinking about travelling again...
haha... I know many will say "Again" or that "I thought you said you are not travelling again so soon?"
Haha but this time my travelling should be tied with diving, as I intend to learn diving before December this year.
So if anyone has any recommendations on credible / good Diving Schools, pls tell me!

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