14 July 2008

Feeling unhappy? Some Tips To Improve Mood...! Part I

I believe perhaps I laugh too much in office. Last week, my colleague actually asked me what will make me unhappy? I was stunned for a moment then. Honestly I was more surprised myself when I answered "Hmm.. when I'm hungry or sick, I will feel unhappy." haha... thinking back now, I guess hunger and being sick are few of the problems I can't laugh it off especially when it's not within my control.

To be honest, many things can make us unhappy or easily fustrated. However I believe at times, we can do something to improve our mood. Hmm I've thought of some tips. Haha but I didn't try all of them... so maybe someone might want to provide some feedback to these... =)

1) Do things you like and enables you to relax but have not done for a long time ~ Think less and relax more promotes better sleep and mood E.g.

a. Meeting with good friends and chit chat / drinks
b. Taking a break during mid-week and do nothing except relax e.g. having afternoon tea in café / coffee joint during weekday like tai tai

2) Do things that can unleash your frustration and unhappiness… nothing better than venting it out! E.g.

a. Exercise / Have a heavy workout! (Disadvantage: Muscle ache later)
b. Going to game arcade and have a showdown with your enemies
c. Install a dart board at your house and practice your aim on the photo pinned at the board (Just don't hit and spoil the wall)
d. Singing all the fast-paced and energetic songs in KTV
e. Partying out with khakis at places with music that makes you scream
f. Attending Jay Chou’s concert – you’ll love it -> the atmosphere, crowd and music ~ Screaming there is also the norm and legal.
g. Take amusement park rides ~ you can legally shout all your frustrations there and no one will think you are crazy.
h. Watch a sad movie and CRY ~ who will know if you are crying for the movie or yourself?

3) Do something emotional fulfilling by helping others (like me)… certainly makes you feel happy at heart!

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