1 December 2008


Imagine you are driving. When you look up at the sky, you can see the grey and cloudy skies above you. But further away, straight in front of you (maybe kilometres away), you could see yellow light and sun rays, how will you feel?

Will you look at the sight as if you are taking the photo and analysing it scientifically? Or will you take it from a painter's view and think it's a picture and feel that the picture is telling you << 雨过天晴>>. Or will you just focus on the grey clouds and think it's going to rain?
Or do you feel it seems to portray there's light coming at the end of tunnel, indicating there'll be a solution somewhere to a problem. Is that an optimistic view? Or is it a view from a writer?

Can anyone guess what is my view? haha...
Well I saw the same sight when I was going home... =P


Life is sometimes strange. Because there are too many "whys" and unexplainable things. If there's a reason for everything, why then do some people born in poverty and live in slums? But there're people born in riches? Why are some people destined to die in the terrorist bombings and some people destined to be the survivors?

I watched the Channel 8 "Life Transformers" show and I realised indeed there are no clear "whys" in life. Maybe the only reason or explanation is karma or it's fate.

Inside the real-life story, this old man has a very untidy house, stacked with things. It seemed to be more of a rubbish dump than a normal house for living within. He earned money from repairing old things. He doesn't cook as gas is too expensive. He had a mentally ill wife, depressed daughter and mentally slow son living with him. He had 3 daughters and 2 sons. But 2 of his daughters committed sucide by jumping off the building. The 1st daughter (his youngest) committed sucide and he did not know the reason. Maybe it's because her husband didn't work and live off her? Maybe she was being forced?

The middle daughter committed sucide as her friend borrowed $8000 from her and ran off without paying, and she was being retrenched at the same time. She only had 1 daughter and her daughter had no father as she left her "husband" since she could not tolerate her mother-in-law.

After his 2 daughters committed sucide, his wife, daughter and son all became mentally depressed (or worsen conditions) that they just stayed at home, dwelling on the past. His middle son also left home for Indonesia to work and he didn't hear from him. And he is now the sole breadwinner and he's already 70+. He said sometimes he wanted to commit sucide as he's feeling upset over his daughters' deaths and the things that turn out, but the only thing he's still alive is because his family depends on him. In the show "Life Transformers" the only thing people can help is to tidy his house and make his living conditions better.

It's then I remembered a drama show. Inside the female cast said she hopes she is the one who can offer a helping hand, instead of being the recipient. Because it means she's fortunate enough as she could lend a helping hand and is able to do so....

Wish that everyone be able to help another... and never despair over obstacles faced. Because there'll always exist another who needs our help more...