15 August 2008


I only thought watching fireworks is romantic.
I never know taking photos of fireworks could be very interesting and fun too.

Last saturday, for the 1st time, I used my baby Nikon DSLR to take photos on the NDP fireworks. Honestly, it's also been a long time since I went to watch fireworks. I've nearly forgotten the thrill I felt when I see the fireworks.

Not to mention that there're different ways to capture different views of the same image.

Although the location was not too good for watching fireworks as it was partially obstructed, I did have a good view of the neighbouring architecture and buildings, which looked especially beautiful at night. The sparkle of fireworks also added to its beauty.

Sometimes people do describe fireworks akin to love.
Prefer their love to be unforgettable, memorable, exciting.

I remember what the female actress says in one of the Korean shows - Fireworks:
Although fireworks are pretty, they are short-lived.

最美的爱情不在于刻苦铭心, 而在于平淡之中帶着甜滋.