4 October 2008

The Secret History of The World (Part 1)

It's been a long time since I tried love at first sight.... to a book haha...
Last Saturday, just happen to glance at the book "The Secret History of the World" and it captivated me. And two days ago when Mickey persuaded me to go Kinokuniya, I remembered the book and decided it shall belong to me.

Do not ask me why I like this book. I'm not sure too. Maybe because I love history. It never fails to intrigue me. And there's secrets as the book suggests. Secrets of history that are opposite to the truth on what we've always known. Truth that might never be proven. Yet it pricks the curiosity in me. I understand curiosity kills the cat... but being the cat... it has nine lives. haha...
Or maybe I find that there are many things in the world that are unexplainable, that Science is never able to explain. In one of the para of the introduction, it wrote:

"Induce in yourself a different state of mind and the most famous and familiar histories mean something very different"
In fact if anything in this history is true, then everything your teachers taught you is thrown into question.
I suspect this prospect doesn't alarm you.
As one of the devotees f the ancient and secret philosophy so memorably put it:
You must be mad, or you wouldn't have come here"

Yes indeed... maybe I'm indeed quite mad... Oops.
Haha it's getting late, shall continue another day... and I shall share Chapter 1.