17 July 2008

Dedication of blog

Here, I’ll like to dedicate this blog write-up to one of my best friends and thank her for being my ever interesting, funny and special friend in my life.

Dear Babe,

I can still vividly remember June last year when we first went on a trip together. We were just colleagues when we embarked on our trip to Osaka together, and we returned being the best of friends and not as “enemies” as the others have been secretly speculating.

We had so much fun last year that we promised we would go Osaka again this year, and indeed we did. Again, there was so much fun and laughter that you were thinking of going back next year! Haha I think I’m crazy, but yes I’ll go back with you to Osaka if you are indeed interested! Cos I think with you around, shopping and especially Samantha Thavasa becomes very appealing... haha

Here, I will like to thank you for:-
- Your patience in Japan when I was self-immersed in my dream shop, UNIQLIO / thinking which cosmetics to select and buy in drugstores
- Sharing my uncontrolled happiness when I managed to buy my favourite clothes and bag on the last day of our trip last month
- Listening to my worries / frustrations / happiness whenever I need a friend to share with
- Sharing with me your interesting stories and emotions in many issues
- Always saying that I’m interesting or funny (though I prefer the word “humourous”)
- Taking up my first photography lessons and Japanese lessons with me. I guess without you, I’ll not have tried all these and fulfill my wishes.
- Giving me support and advice whenever I need to
- Being such an excellent and fun companion during our travels to Japan / outings back home

Just want to tell you that you are a very special and interesting person (not to mention pretty, cute & fun etc). If my life is interesting, then it’s also because I have an interesting friend like you! You never fail to make me laugh and honestly if I’m a guy, I’ll definitely pursue you regardless of age difference as I find that we have an unspoken understanding in many things! (maybe... except in type of guys we like haha)

Hope you remember our promise of at least 30 years of friendship and that yes, you can come to my house whenever you require (when you are old…remember?) haha

All the best to you and remember our special date in August... *wink*
Looking forward to your starting of blog...


1 comment:

G said...

*wipes tears away from mascara-ed eyes* Wow... I am really touched beyond words. Really, I should be the one to say "Thank you"s because:
1)for your good spirit and big heart when you went ahead to travel with me to Osaka last year even though we hardly knew each other well then;
2)for being such a wonderful friend and companion during our first trip and thereafter travels;
3)for putting up with my nonsense, lousy temper, insensitivity, never-think-twice-before-speaking bluntness, extreme blurness... well, the list is too long to go on. :p But I thank you, my dear friend, for your constant forgiveness and tolerance.
4)for always making me laugh and brightening up my day;
5)for always listening and silently supporting me
6)And of cos, for dedicating such a touching post to me in your blog; :)
7)lastly, for just being you!
Anyway, to cut a long post short, I LOVE U BABE!!!!