2 January 2009

Cambodia Trip - Photos

Some of the photos taken during the visit in Phnom Penh....
Some at at the street home, some are from the school and some are from the households we visited...

He's around 3-4 years old. He was sent to the street shelter after the in-charge persuaded his mum (who's living on the streets) to send him in...

(The family now runs a business selling the above thanks to World Vision providing them with a loan... )

( All the sponsored kids with the sponsors)

(See the bicycle... it's as tall as the kids)

(Drawings from the Drawing club drawn by the kids there....)

1 comment:

ianinozzie said...

When I see photos like that or hear stories about people's trips to a less privileged country, third world or otherwise, I can't help but feel how lucky most of us are that we don't know poverty or hunger or constant sickness.

It makes me feel really foolish that I'm whining about something so insignificant and childish when compared to the suffering that these kids and their families go through.