1 January 2009

New Year

Wishing all a very Happy New Year!

Everyone is hoping that 2009 will be a better one than 2008 in terms of economy and world peace. Well I wish for that too. That good news will arrive and bad news will now be the past and history.

Any new resolutions for Year 2009?
Well I guess at least 2 resolutions from Year 2008 will still continue to be part of this year's resolutions. Reason - I have not accomplish that! haha..

Was thinking of what I want when I realise that I want many things.
But actually they are more of good-to-have than must-haves. I'm currently pretty contented with I've. So I guess I should continue to feel this way. Afterall what I usually wish is for happiness and that according to many, that is not definitive but a state of mind. So if I could be pretty contented with I've, achieving the aim of happiness is not too faraway... hmm...

Wishlist: Top 3 Wishes

(1) To accomplish my 2 wishes brought forward from Year 2008
(2) To travel at least 2-3 times a year (my favourite is travelling!!!)
(3) To lose weight (",)

Hope everyone has a wonderful year ahead!

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