22 July 2008

Up in the Skies

Ever watch the movie "Tempting Heart", whereby Takeshi Kanshiro will take photo of the sky whenever he thought of Gigi Leung? Behind each photo, he recorded the date and time he missed her and thought of her. It’s romantic yet sad at the same time as he missed Gigi but unable to convey his thoughts to her.

During the walk to Alexandra Arch last week, I also took some photos of the sky. The only difference was that instead of thinking of a person I missed during the photo-taking, I was thinking when a bird will fly past for me to capture the scene...

Again, being a day-dreamer, I pondered what I will do if I were to miss someone like Takeshi Kanshiro did in the movie. Will I do something to remind myself of the person?
Maybe… ? Must be?

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