20 July 2008

Sister, Happy Birthday!

Today is my sister’s birthday. I’ll like to dedicate this blog to her and wish her a very happy birthday and may all her wishes come true!

My sister is older than me by 3 years, although in terms of appearance, she always seems to look younger than me due to dressing and height. Also many will say that we look alike and there will always be doctors or friends who cannot differentiate between the two of us in spite of our 10 cm height disparity. Believe me; it’s not that funny when people thought you are the elder sister when you are indeed younger. Haha...

In terms of personality, we could be considered as poles apart as she has always mentioned. She’s always that rational, practical and systematic and good in IT. (Let’s not mention her flaws since it’s her birthday today hee…) I guess it was quite lucky that we do share similarities like traveling, appreciation of art and history and food. Or else, I believe I will have one less good travel companion.

Although at times I will “complain” about her when she lectures me, I know in her heart how much she cares for me. I can still remember once when I was in hall rushing out a hall banner (many many years ago) and it was a weekend when she traveled all the way from our house (I think it was at Simei then) to NTU just to help me out with the banner as she knew that it was urgent and I needed her help (even though I didn’t beg her). If I didn't recall wrongly, at that time she was still an auditor and weekend would be her only precious time for resting. I knew then at that moment no matter what happens in the future, she will always be there for me, and family and kinship will always be the most important thing in my life.

My sister is always an idol of mine. Since young, I’ve wanted to go to the schools she studied and obtain the good results that she always has. I still remember that I was quite upset then when I didn’t manage to get into her secondary school. (Of course now I’m not so sore over this since I knew my buddies - the SJJJ Group we called ourselves- in secondary school) Even now, I admire her work capabilities, her dedication in work and her work EQ.

I guess I just want to say to her that – “Thank you for being my sister. I’m very proud to have a capable sister like you and I love you very much in spite of our squabbling and differences!”

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