31 July 2008

Shifting Office

After 2 days of MC and sleeping, today I finally returned to work. Honestly, I've not really recovered. But I was not so keen to start unpacking boxes on 7th lunar month. Haha ok call me superstitious... or "puntang" =O

Yes, yesterday, my office shifted from a central location (near to canteen and building exit) to a much further location temporarily. And I miss the fun of wearing Polo T and jeans (which I've never done b4 during office hrs) or chicken pie (which I doubt with my current stomach flu condition I can actually eat that).

Initially I thought I will not like the new location since we sort of "downgraded" from nice system furniture to the older type. But I guess it still look ok today after we shift all the cupboards and tables into the place. From the "island" back in the old office, I shifted back to "civilisation" since I start to have neighbours again. It's getting noisy! haha...

My only regret was that I forgot to take a photo of my previous cubicle which displayed a lot of photos I've taken on my overseas trips. Amongst my collection is one with Leon Lai at Mdm Tussaud's in HK, and 8 out of 10 people actually asked me whether he's my boyfriend?!! haha... of course I wish to say yes. But the truth is... sigh... well now I wonder maybe I should stop putting that photo lest others get the wrong idea (on the "attached" issue)...! haha

Hmm anyway just to clarify, Leon Lai is not really my idol and actually there's only 1 idol I acknowledge to date. And I shan't go into who's my only idol since I think all the people who knew about him will "faint" when they realise my choice... hmm but I guess that's me... unique (or weird). haha...

Okies... it's getting late.. need my beauty sleep so as to recover faster. Desperately need to recover faster since I'm missing all my good food during my sickness... =(

PS: Can you imagine I'm having salted egg with plain porridge last night when my family had good food? haha... Oh ya.. Babe... you take care too and let's us strive together in our simple diet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I completely understand how you feel! *pat pat* I just had vegetable soup for dinner, as I was too sick of eating porridge again. :(

Btw, what simple food do u wanna eat tomorrow? :p