27 July 2008

Presents from Japan...

27 Jul 2008, Sunny

Today is a happy day as I met up with G and Cool-san and we had an excellent lunch in Botanic Garden and dessert - tiramisu at Gastronomia da paolo. Not to mention that Cool-san also gave us our presents from Japan (my favourite country) and the cookies I asked him to buy! Of course I'll like any presents that Cool-san bought since it's the thought that counts. But it's even happier that I happen to like all the presents he bought! hee.. tks my dear friend, Cool-san!

1. Yoku Moku
(The brand of biscuits that my friend Chloe kept recommending and attested to its nice taste. Cool-san has kindly helped me to buy from Osaka. Although for the biscuits, I still prefer the Ishiya Chololates biscuits, internet reviews on rolled cigares seem to be rather good too.
The biscuits could be found in Narita Airport and major department stores in Osaka.)

2. Earrings
(Earrings are from my favourite shop in Kyoto. The earrings are made of Venetian glass and are supposed to change colours at different lightings)

My present from Cool-san (G also has a pair!)

My current collection from Kiyomizuzaka - earrings, hair band, hp chain

3. Chocolates
(Various flavours of KitKat that are not found in Singapore. I especially like the Strawberry KitKats!)

Once again, Cool-san thanks for the presents! =)
Remember to give O-san her presents too! hee...


Anonymous said...

那时还担心那对耳环不适合你,但看到您的战利品,我就放心了。一份小小心意。 =)

Anonymous said...

I realised your orange kit kat is missing... hahaha.... IT'S WITH ME!!! Pass it to you tomorrow. :)