19 November 2009


Maybe it's the cold weather that reminds me of Seoul. I enjoyed tremendously during the time I'm there. I could still vividly remember the wind blowing towards me and walking down the streets along trees filled with red and yellow leaves. The "secret garden" in Changdeok Palace was exceptionally beautiful. I walked on the winding road there as if I was in the movies, with falling leaves surrounding me. How I wish I was not there alone but with someone who could share the romantic sight...

Cool-san said he went to Taipei 101 because of a taiwanese drama he watched. I myself went to Building 63 because of a korean drama I watched - My Girl. The building and layout was not what I thought. Well that was because they underwent a renovation subsequent to the drama. But I did walk along the river banks and indeed that was a familiar sight in many of the drama series I watched.

Once I thought the place plays the most in creating romance, But now I think it's the person's mentality that plays the most. If you think it's romantic, who can disagree with you? Is happiness round or squarish? The answer is you'll be happy when what you perceive is what you think.

"When the snow melts, what does it become?"

11 October 2009

The City of Life and Death

I did not plan on watching the movie. In fact it was an impromptu decision as President asked me and I agreed - 2 hrs before the movie.

It's a black and white movie and this further enhanced the grim plot that the movie is unrevealing. The movie focused on different characters to present the story and the atrocities performed by the Japanese to the civilians in Nanking. Although I admit I find the movie sometimes confusing as it never explains clearly some of the reasons for the certain scenes i.e. Why was Mr Tang killed? Yes, he did not manage to leave with Rabe. But why does he have to die? Maybe all these confusing scenes are to portray that at that era, deaths are meaningless. There might not need any reasons for killings to arise. Indeed such moments offer room for imagination.

Someone asked me if after watching the show, will I hate the Japanese? The answer is no. Because one of the leading characters inside the film is a Japanese who was supposedly to be rather sympathetic to the Chinese. This is also one of the reasons why the film was rather condemned in China. But I guess by portraying a "sympathetic" Japanese makes this film a more realistic one in my view. Yes the Japanese indeed committed atrocities which were unforgivable. But some of these soldiers might have another side which was not easily seen - they might also be people who missed home and hoped to win the war so that they could return to their homeland and be reunited with relatives.

Inside the movie, it offers another perspective of why people turned traitors. They wanted to protect their family. Because of this greed, this might translate into more terror than one had wished. E.g. Mr Tang in the movie, because of his greed, he caused more harm than good to his family members. And perhaps that is to illustrate that Japanese could not be trusted. Or perhaps life has its own karma. In the end he chose to stay behind and then he died. At that moment, I chose to believe he somehow felt guilty for his betrayal.

I guess in the end why I think this movie is worth watching is because of its theme. Its realistic theme of wartime. It makes me more appreciative of what I have and the peace we're enjoying. Wars caused senseless killings and pain to families and even soldiers - no matter which side they are from. The horrors and remnants of war are unimaginable. That is when I think I like what all candidates of Ms Universe say.... "I hope for.... and World Peace".

21 September 2009

The Ugly Truth 2

I finally watched the movie " The Ugly Truth". Although there are some "sexual terms" used or hinted in the movie which I believe are indeed explicit and at times make people bit uncomfortable, the movie itself is really funny and humorous; and not to mention the insights in relationships which make it even more interesting.

Foremost, it seems to indicate that one should enter a relationship by simply being yourself. In the movie, the female leading actress started to enter a relationship with the handsome doctor neighbour. But she was not being her normal self when she was dating him. She was simply "pretending" to be someone self. Pretending that she was not a control freak. Always being so elegant and calm. As such, the handsome doctor neighbour was eventually "in love" with someone who was not actually her. And in the end she realised she actually preferred to have someone who loved the real her.

Secondly, there might not be any specific reason why people fall in love. While people might have checklists to start with, but eventually I guess what people wanted to be with is someone who they are comfortable with and could accept who they really are.

Thirdly, I guess what the female leading actress said is rather true. Many women believe that men are like those portrayed in novels - heroic and will not run away from reality. But in the reality that might not always be the truth. And maybe that is the reason why men are always portrayed as hero and the perfect lover in novels or drama series. Because that is the dream of every woman. Because if people want to read the truth, they will be reading news and not novels! =P

So throw away all the guidebooks in relationships and start seeing the real truth - which is of course not pretty... haha...

10 September 2009

The Ugly Truth

After watching the trailer on "The Ugly Truth", I'm very interested to watch this movie because it seems so funny! But what is even more amusing is that Cool-san asked me why is the movie called "The Ugly Truth"? Well my answer is "The Truth is never pretty". =P

Went to surfed the movie website earlier and I saw the comments people posted on the website on their feelings of what's the ugly truth and these seem interesting quotes:

"The ugly truth is you can't make someone fall in love with you."

"The ugly truth is there is no such thing as soul mates or the perfect person. There is only the person who you are willing to make it work with."

"The ugly truth is you're never going to change him. "

"The ugly truth is when a guy says he doesn't want to get married, it actually means he doesn't want to get married to YOU."

"The ugly truth is happiness can't be found in a relationship. You have to already have it."

"The ugly truth is women are shallow too, and first sight does matter."

"The ugly truth is that guys are clueless. No matter how much you hint that you like them, they won't get it until you spell it out."

"The ugly truth is that a lot of women are insecure. And men just don't care."

Well... guess that there's many things whereby the truth are always ugly. And that's the ugly truth.

29 August 2009

Coco avant Chanel

This is a movie I rather enjoyed.
There are no thrills or suspense involved.
It is a biography of Gabrielle Chanel aka Coco, the famous French fashion designer who founded the famous fashion brand, Chanel. The early years of Chanel, from her birth till her set-up of first shop in Paris. Her love story with Arthur Capel aka Boy.

The movie was kept interesting by the witty conversations in the movie and the scenes of courage, intelligence and preserverance displayed by Gabrielle Chanel inside when she succeeded to continue staying in Balsan's house. I especially like the witty response (somewhat similar) made by Chanel in the movie, when asked about her age:-

Balsan: "How old are you?"
Chanel: "Depends on my mood. When I'm bored, I feel ancient"
Balsan: "How are are you now?"
Chanel: "1000 years old"

I admire the courage shown by Chanel inside. She dreamed of love and marriage too when she met Arthur Capel. But when reality sank in, she survived. She went ahead to pursue her dreams instead of conveniently accepting the marriage of proposal from Balsan. To her marriage is not a solution to her problems. She just wanted to work and not to live off man. She's a woman who defied conventions in her times, shown in her fashion and her success in her boutique.

The movie was further liven up by the charisma of the actors and actresses. I especially like the actor - Alessandro Nivola in his role of Arthur Capel. He really was the handsome rogue lover that most women will dream and desire.

This movie did not show Chanel's later years and her speculated involvement with a German officer. Whatever her involvement was, i believe it could not deny her of her due credits in her strength, intelligence and success in the fashion industry.

26 August 2009

The Way I Read...

I always enjoy reading. Newspapers, novels, comics etc.
My favourite remains the romantic-suspense books. Meaning both romance and a couple of murders in it, with the murders being solved by clever sleuthing on the part of the hero and heroine.

In one of these books I read, I especially love the conversation between the hero and heroine it makes me realise I actually have much in common with the heroine...

Like her, I like to read romantic-suspense books.
Even though in real life the motivation for murder is a lot straightforward and majority of cases are solved because someone talks and not because of clever sleuthing. But this doesn't matter because like what she said "If I want real police work, I'll read the newspapers, not a book."

Like her, I tend to read the ending of the book before I commit to the whole book, because I read for the story and not the ending. I agree with her logic that " Life is too short to waste on books that end badly / unhappily ".
That perhaps could translate into my view of life too. Not sure if it's good or bad. But if I have a perception that certain things do not have a good ending or rather I'll be unhappy about, I will tend not to go through with it. Life is too short to be unhappy. But does this also indicate that I lack the courage and determination as I seem to take the easy way out?

Hmm... an issue indeed worth pondering... ??

21 June 2009

My Favourite Show <<败犬女王>>

这部戏 <<败犬女王>> 感动了我.

年過三十, 單身的女強人是一隻人生的敗犬? 这部戏 以轻松感人的手法探讨了爱情和婚姻. 它有点像韓剧<<达子的春天>>.

我想故事要表达的是人生最重要的是过得充实, 追逐梦想.
原来平时不是时间过得很快, 而是我们的步伐太快了, 偶尔错过了美丽的事与物?

而没有结婚不代表是败犬. 毕竟爱情及结婚应凭感觉, 而不是条件.

他以行动表示了对女主角的真诚, 爱意.